Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Up Here

Yesterday I put up a really nice new boulder in Sipoo. I tried this scary highball a little bit last spring and after falling from the last move a couple times I never went back. This year I finished it off on my first try after warming up on the bottom part. Happy Up Here has a technical start which leads to a bit steeper climbing with a committing move at the top. There are two ways to do the very top section, either a big dyno or two long lockoffs. I did it both ways and they feel about the same difficulty, depending on what your good at.

A video still of  Happy Up Here     

We got it on film, but I'm not sure yet when it's going to be out. I just started a new film project and I don't know whether I will release several smaller clips or make a longer flick like Could Be Worse.

I've spent a lot of time training for and working on the Sisu project, but I can't really say that there has been any progress lately. I'm planning to stay in Finland for about a month trying it, as long as the conditions are still good. After that the plan is to go to northern Norway and explore the endless potential for hard bouldering there. Alright, I'm off to try Sisu again!


  1. "Could be Worse" was excellent. I enjoyed the long version a lot more than the short video clips. I am sure it takes longer to put together a longer video, but the final result looks more like a complete project.
    Good luck with the Sisu project and look forward to your next video.

  2. I hope that U will put video as soon as possible..stay strong:)

  3. My vote is for a long version! Your videos are sa-weet!

  4. Mä taas oon lyhyiden klippien puolella, pätkät kiinnostaa nyt, eikä joskus puolen vuoden päästä.

    Ja jos on aikaa ni kyllähän sä niistä klipeistäkin sitten kokoot jonku kokoperheen elokuvan.


  5. Anonymous1/5/10 15:31

    Nalle, why you didn't register the ascent on ? and what grade was it ?


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